Thursday, February 12, 2009

Has God surely said??

Genesis 3:1 the liar asked our primitive parents, "indeed has God said?" The father of lies, the enemy of God and of men is asking that same question today. Many people are like Eve buying right into the lie that God has not really said. The fact is the Bible is under attack, it should not surprise us, the Word of God has been under attack ever since Eden. Sadly many Christian colleges, and even ministers of the Gospel of Christ are debating whether in fact God has surely said. I have a friend at a prominent Christian College, he tells me some professors (not all of them) are constantly arguing why the Bible cannot be accurate. They argue why the numbers of the Exodus of the Israelites from the land of Egypt cannot be accurate. On and on the attacks go and sadly the attacks are no longer coming from outside of the church, but from within the church herself. This again should not shock us, Paul told the Ephesian elders in Acts 20 that wolves would arise from within their own midst. They would arise from within the church and this is what we see taking place at an alarming rate. Yet let me offer you this brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus Christ!
God has indeed said. God has surely spoken, and you and I would do well to listen what Almighty God has to say. Since God has spoken, the things that God has surely said are the most important things ever uttered in the history of mankind. His Word needs to be our constant focus, our constant attention needs to be given to the things that God Himself has surely said. Everything ever spoken by man, from the poorest pauper to the most eloquent, well spoken ruler, pales in comparison to what the God of all the universe has surely said. 
Most Christians if not all of them would say amen to this, but the problem is they are saying amen with their lips and not their lives. How important is the Word of God to you if you never pick it up, how important is the Words of Almighty God to you if you watch 8 hours of television and read one verse of Scripture for 5 minutes and then close the book because the Uof L game is coming on! 
Brothers and sisters God has surely said. I am just as guilty as you of neglecting many times the reading of the Word for my fleshly, sinful desires. I pray for myself first and for you as well, that God would strip me of the things that take away my time, that distract me from the important sayings of God and get me back to where I need to be; before an open Bible! 

Father forgive me my gracious and Awesome Lord, for the neglecting of Your glorious Word and seeking my own selfish ungodly desires. Oh God I pray for the ones reading this, that we all would have a hunger for Your Word, help us to tremble at what You have indeed said. I love You Lord, because You first loved me. 

Isaiah 66:2 

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